Climate Report for April 2024.

Today is Thursday 11th April 2024. The Keeling Curve reports that its latest daily atmospheric CO2 reading (for the 10th April) is 427.03 ppm = 827.5 mg/m^3.

The NOAA's Global Monitoring Laboratory informs us that atmospheric CO2 was at 425.38 ppm in March 2024, compared to 420.99 ppm in March 2023, an increase of 4.39 ppm = ~1.043% p.a.

The NOAA's latest daily reading (also for the 10th April) is 427.23 ppm = 827.9 mg/m^3. (Conversions from ppm CO2 to mg/m^3 CO2 using lenntech.)

The maximum atmospheric CO2 level during the warm period of the late Pliocene, 3.6 million years ago, according to Berends, de Boer and van de Wal (2021), was 440 ppm. As de la Vega, et al. (2020) note, the climate of this period entailed 3°C of global warming, and sea levels 20 m (~65.6 ft.) higher than today.

Humanity is engaged on a massive global experiment with Earth's climate. If we want to reproduce the climate of the Mid-Piacenzian warm period of the Pliocene Epoch in the 21st Century, then fine - but we had better all be sure that we do want that, because we - and our children, grandchildren, and all their descendants for many generations to come - will have to live with the consequences.


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