
Showing posts from October, 2023

Daily Climate Report (26).

Today is Thursday 19th October 2023. The Keeling Curve reports an atmospheric CO2 level for the 18th of 419.06 ppm, whereas CO2 Earth reports one of 419.37 ppm (same date), up from 415.65 ppm for the 18th October 2022. This is an increase of 3.72 ppm, or ~0.895% p.a. The NOAA Global Monitoring Laboratory records an atmospheric CO2 level for today, 19th, at 419.47 ppm = 812.9 mg/m^3 =  3,273.678 GtCO2. The NOAA Global Monitoring Laboratory also recorded atmospheric methane (CH4) levels of 1,917.11 ppb and nitrous oxide of 336.64 ppb in June 2023. These represented increases of ~0.626% and ~0.34% p.a., respectively.

Daily Climate Report (25).

Today is Wednesday 18th October 2023. My last report was on the 11th. Since then, according to the NOAA Global Monitoring Laboratory, the month of September 2023 had an atmospheric CO2 level of 418.51 ppm, compared to 415.91 ppm in September 2022. This is an increase of 2.6 ppm, or 0.625% p.a. In terms of daily records, the NOAA Global Monitoring Laboratory reports CO2 levels of 418.93 ppm for the 12th, 418.66 ppm for the 13th, 419.81 ppm for the 15th, 419.53 ppm for the 16th, 419.66 ppm for yesterday, the 17th, and 419.29 ppm for today, the 18th. As usual, CO2 Earth agrees with the NOAA daily reading for the 17th (the reading for the 18th isn't up yet) of 419.66 ppm, and compares it with the reading for the 17th October 2022 of 415.62 ppm. This is an increase of 4.04 ppm = 0.972% p.a. The Keeling Curve gives an atmospheric CO2 level for the 17th October 2023 of 419.35 ppm = 812.6 mg/m^3 =  3,272.742 GtCO2.

Daily Climate Report (24).

Today is Wednesday 11th October 2023. NOAA Global Monitoring Laboratory reports atmospheric CO2 levels for the 7th of 418.19 ppm, the 8th of 418.53 ppm, the 9th of 418.33 ppm, and the 10th of 418.11 ppm. CO2 Earth compares the reading of the 9th (418.33) with the reading for the 9th October 2022 of 415.31 ppm. This is an increase of 3.02 ppm, or 0.727% p.a. The Keeling Curve has a reading for the 10th October of 418.05 ppm = 810.1 mg/m^3 =  3,262.6 GtCO2.

Daily Climate Report (23).

Today is Monday 9th October 2023. NOAA Global Monitoring Laboratory reports atmospheric CO2 levels of 418.56 ppm for the 4th, 418.25 ppm for the 5th, 418.36 ppm for the 6th, and 418.19 ppm for the 7th. The Keeling Curve reports an atmospheric CO2 level for the 6th of 417.94 ppm. CO2 Earth informs us that the CO2 level of 418.19 ppm for the 7th compares with a reading of 415.43 ppm for the 7th October 2022. This is an increase of 2.76 ppm = 0.664% p.a. 418.19 ppm = 810.4 mg/m^3 =  3,263.689 GtCO2.

Daily Climate Report (22).

Today is Thursday 5th October 2023. The Keeling Curve records an atmospheric CO2 level of 418.25 ppm for the 4th. The NOAA Global Monitoring Laboratory records atmospheric CO2 levels of 418.56 ppm for the 4th and 418.26 ppm for today, the 5th. CO2 Earth merely records the unavailability of a figure for the 3rd. 418.26 ppm = 810.5 mg/m^3 (44.01 g/mol) = 3,264.235 GtCO2. (1ppm CO2 = 2.13 GtC = 7.80432 GtCO2.

Daily Climate Report (21).

Today is Wednesday 4th October 2023. The NOAA Global Monitoring Laboratory reports atmospheric CO2 levels for the 1st of 418.15 ppm, for the 2nd of 418.37 ppm, and for the 4th, today, of 418.45 ppm. CO2 Earth confirmed there was no reading available for the 3rd. The Keeling Curve website is still reporting the same figure, 417.95 ppm, for the 27th September. 418.45 ppm = 810.9 mg/m^3 =  3,265.718 GtCO2.

Daily Climate Report (20).

Today is Monday 2nd October 2023. CO2 Earth records an atmospheric CO2 level of 418.15 ppm for the 1st, up from 415.9 ppm on the 1st October 2022. This is an increase of 2.25 ppm = 0.541% p.a. The Keeling Curve has an unchanged record from the 27th September. The NOAA Global Monitoring Laboratory records atmospheric CO2 levels of 418.38 ppm for the 30th September, and 418.15 ppm for the 1st October. 418.15 ppm = 810.3 mg/m^3 =  3,263.376 GtCO2.