
Showing posts from November, 2023

Climate Report for November, 2023.

Today is Thursday 30th November 2023. The NOAA Global Monitoring Laboratory  (GML) recorded a CO2 level of 420.59 ppm for the 28th November, and the Keeling Curve one of 421.24 ppm for the 29th. Although still below the peak of 424.76 ppm recorded by the GML on 29th May of this year, November's average is back above 420 ppm. The NOAA's Annual Greenhouse Gas Index ( AGGI ) in 2022 was 1.49, or 523 ppm CO2equivalent. They haven't published one for this year yet, but it will be higher. The details of their calculations are here .  

Climate Report.

Today is Tuesday 28th November 2023. CO2 emissions, measured at the Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii by the US National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)'s Global Monitoring Laboratory  (GML), averaged 418.82 ppm in October, compared to 415.74 ppm in October of 2022. This was an increase of 3.08 ppm, or ~0.741% p.a. In terms of daily figures, the GML records show that, from the 15th-24th of this month, the level of atmospheric CO2 has not fallen below 420 ppm, and has not fallen below 419 ppm since the 3rd of this month. It was 418.84 ppm on the 1st, and 418.98 ppm on the 2nd. The average for the 15th-24th is 421.6 ppm, with a maximum of 422.43 ppm on the 17th and a minimum of 420.61 ppm on the 21st. The latest GML monthly figure for methane is for July of this year, which shows a figure of 1,915.25 ppb (= 1.91525 ppm), compared to 1,904.42 ppb (= 1.90442 ppm) for July 2022. This is an increase of 10.83 ppb, or ~0.57% p.a. The latest Keeling Curve figure for CO2...

Daily Climate Report (27).

Today is Monday 6th November 2023. The NOAA Global Monitoring Laboratory reports that the monthly average atmospheric CO2 reading at the Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii during the month of September was 418.51 ppm, up from 415.91 ppm a year earlier - an increase of 2.6 ppm (0.625% p.a.). Taking the daily means of the last month, since the 6th October, reported by the NOAA, the atmospheric CO2 level has averaged 419.05 ppm. The Keeling Curve reports a CO2 reading of 419.41 ppm for the 3rd November 2023. CO2 Earth reports one of 419.89 ppm for the 4th November, up from 416.55 ppm a year earlier. This is an increase of 3.34 ppm (0.802% p.a.). The NOAA reports CO2 levels of 418.84 ppm for the 1st (my 67th birthday, incidentally), 418.98 ppm for the 2nd, 419.28 ppm for the 3rd, 419.89 ppm for the 4th and 419.35 ppm for the 5th. It is safe to predict that we will soon be back above 420 ppm of CO2 = 814 mg/m^3 =  3,277.8144 GtCO2, i.e., perilously close to the Mid-Piacenzian Warm Per...