Daily Climate Report (24).

Today is Wednesday 11th October 2023. NOAA Global Monitoring Laboratory reports atmospheric CO2 levels for the 7th of 418.19 ppm, the 8th of 418.53 ppm, the 9th of 418.33 ppm, and the 10th of 418.11 ppm. CO2 Earth compares the reading of the 9th (418.33) with the reading for the 9th October 2022 of 415.31 ppm. This is an increase of 3.02 ppm, or 0.727% p.a.

The Keeling Curve has a reading for the 10th October of 418.05 ppm = 810.1 mg/m^3 = 3,262.6 GtCO2.


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