Daily Report on Climate (2).

Today is Wednesday 13th September 2023. The latest atmospheric CO2 reading, as of 12th September, yesterday, is 418.4 ppm. The reading for August 2023 remains 419.68 ppm, which compares with 417.15 ppm for August 2022, an increase of 0.606% p.a. The reading for June 2023 was 423.68 ppm, and that for July 2023 was 422.14 ppm.

The latest figure for atmospheric methane (CH4) is for May 2023, which was 1,922.26 ppb = 1.92226 ppm, compared to 1,907.8 ppb = 1.9078 ppm in May 2022, an increase of 0.7579% p.a.

The corresponding figure for atmospheric nitrous oxide (N2O) is also for May 2023, and was 336.63 ppb, compared to 335.48 ppb for May 2022, an increase of 0.343% p.a.

Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) is also present in the atmosphere: in May 2023, the level was 11.36 ppt, compared to 10.99 ppt in May 2022, an increase of 3.366% p.a. This is a very large increase - the largest annual increase of all the greenhouse gases - but the amount involved is so small it is difficult to know how seriously to take it.


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