Daily Climate Report (19).
Today is Saturday 30th September, the last day of this month. CO2 Earth reports an atmospheric CO2 level of 418.3 ppm for the 29th, up from 415.79 ppm for the 29th September 2022, an increase of 2.51 ppm, or 0.604% p.a.
The Keeling Curve has a reading for the 27th of 417.56 ppm. The NOAA Global Monitoring Laboratory, on the other hand, gives readings for the 28th of 418.2 ppm, 29th of 418.3 ppm, and 30th of 418.22 ppm. 418.22 ppm = 810.4 mg/m^3 = 3,263.923 GtCO2.
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