Daily Climate Report (16).
Today is Wednesday 27th September 2023. CO2 Earth recorded an atmospheric CO2 level of 418.65 ppm = 811.3 mg/m^3 for the 26th. This is 3.29 ppm above that recorded for the 26th September 2022, 415.36 ppm (804.9 mg/m^3), or 0.792% p.a.
The Keeling Curve recorded an atmospheric CO2 level of 417.98 ppm for the 26th. This is 810 mg/m^3 = 3,262.05 GtCO2 (billion tonnes of CO2).
The NOAA Global Monitoring Laboratory recorded atmospheric CO2 levels of 418.65 ppm for the 26th (811.3 mg/^3) and 418.27 ppm (810.5 mg/m^3) for today, the 27th, respectively.
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