Why No-one Should Vote Tactically, Unless It's For The Liberal Democrats.

It's suggested that, in the forthcoming English by-elections in Mid-Bedfordshire, Somerset and Frome and Uxbridge and Ruislip, voters should vote tactically in order to "Get The Tories Out" (GTTO). This would mean Labour voters voting for the Liberal Democrat candidates in Mid-Bedfordshire and Somerset and Frome, given that the Liberal Democrats were in second place to the Tories in those two constituencies in 2019, and Liberal Democrat voters lending their votes to Labour in Uxbridge and Ruislip, as Labour came second in 2019 to the Tory former leader and Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, now out of the Commons in disgrace.

There's one major problem with this. While it's fine for Labour voters to vote Liberal Democrat, it isn't fine for Liberal Democrat ones to reciprocate the favour, as it would mean voting for a Party in favour of austerity, Brexit, Tory policies on immigration and "law and order", locking up climate activists in prison for years - in spite of the disgraceful state of our prisons and prison overcrowding - extending private sector outsourcing in the NHS, and opposed to freedom of movement and re-joining the Single Market.

In short, "GTTO" means, in our shabby two-Party system, replacing one lot of Tories with another lot, pretending to be "Labour", who are, in truth, Labour In Name Only, or LINO!

Frankly, I'd far sooner see Rishi Sunak and his Tories stay in power than see him be replaced by a phoney, pretending-to-be-Labour, but-in-fact Tory Prime Minister in Keir Starmer. The man's a fraud, a liar and a promise-breaker! At least with Sunak, it says "Tory" on the tin, and that is what you get! With Starmer, it says "Labour" on the tin, but it's Tory on the inside! He's a bit like a reverse Dr Who's "Tardis" - smaller on the inside than he is on the outside.

The message is: DON'T vote Conservative; DON'T vote Labour - VOTE for the Liberal Democrats!


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