Trying To Obtain the Impossible.
This post is a follow-up to my last, "Wanting The Impossible", of 3rd May 2023. I'll begin with the total global energy consumption in 2021, which was 176,431 TWh (Terawatt-hours) = 635.156 EJ (exajoules; 1 EJ = 10^18 J), of which 76.047 EJ (11.973%) was contributed by renewable energy of all kinds, and 25.3116 EJ (3.985%) by nuclear power. The remaining 84.042% was supplied by CO2-emitting forms of energy, including the 529.6644 EJ (83.39%) comprised of energy from oil, natural gas and coal; source: Ritchie & Moser (2022) . The world's population in 2021 was 7.8317 billion (source: US Census Bureau, 1 ), which implies that mean energy consumption per capita that year was ~81.1 GJ. Few, if any, are suggesting this was fairly and equitably distributed. Let us now assume an average annual global economic growth rate of 1% p.a. between 2021 and 2050, inclusive, a total of thirty years, resulting in 30% growth. (This may well be on the low side, in fact; see World Eco...