
Showing posts from July, 2024

The Suicide of Industrial Civilisation.

Every single hour of every single day, every country on this planet - some, it is true, much more than others, but all to a degree - continue to pour carbon dioxide, methane and other greenhouse gases into our atmosphere, with a reckless insouciance bordering on insanity. The result is that CO2 has reached 426.91 ppm as of June 2024, whereas methane (CH4) had reached 1,930.75 ppb (parts per billion) by March 2024. For comparison, the yearly mean CO2 in 1959 was 315.98 ppm, whereas the mean annual atmospheric level of CH4 in 1984 was 1,644.85 ppb. Nitrous oxide (N2O), the third major greenhouse gas, reached 337.66 ppb in March 2024, compared to the annual mean atmospheric level of 316.36 ppb in 2001 . The International Maritime Organisation's 2020 regulation ( IMO2020 ) reducing sulphur emissions from shipping  (by reducing the sulphur content of their fuel) has had an inadvertent effect on the climate, because these emissions are cooling aerosols, and have a global cooling eff

A General Election Crying Out for Reform of Our Electoral System.

The General Election that took place in the United Kingdom on Thursday, 4th July 2024 led to the most disproportional result in British political history. The Labour Party, as expected, won it - but their success was more due to the voters' disgust with the Conservative Party after fourteen years of Tory Government than anything positive they had to offer. Labour won 411 seats in the House of Commons (63.23%), on the basis of  9,708,716 votes (33.7%). The turnout was 59.9% - down 7.4% on the previous General Election in 2019 (turnout 67.3%). This explains the fact that the Labour Party in 2019 - led by the supposedly 'extremist' and 'looney leftie' Jeremy Corbyn, demonised and vilified in the media, and deemed unelectable, won  10,269,051 votes that year (32.1% of the vote), but only 202 seats in the Commons (31.08%). The 'moderate' Keir Starmer thus ends up as Prime Minister, with a landslide majority, on the basis of  560,335 fewer votes than the 'extr