
Showing posts from February, 2024

Climate Report, February 2024.

Today is Friday 9th February 2024. Yesterday, the 8th, according to CO2 Earth , the daily atmospheric CO2 level was 425.6 ppm, up from 420.12 ppm on the 8th February 2023. This is an increase of 5.48 ppm = 1.3% p.a. 425.6 ppm = 824.7 mg/m^3 = 3,321.519 GtCO2. The Keeling Curve gives a slightly lower figure for the 8th February of 425.1 ppm = 823.8 mg/m^3 = 3,317.616 GtCO2. The daily levels for February have been consistently higher than those of January this year, except for the first two days, which were both 422.21 ppm. The NOAA's Global Monitoring Laboratory recorded a monthly mean of 422.8 ppm for January 2024, up from 419.48 ppm for January 2023, an increase of 3.32 ppm = 0.79% p.a., but the daily means have increased substantially since the 4th February, with that date's figure being 426.21 ppm, that for the 6th being 425.89 ppm, and that for the 7th - like that for the 8th - being 425.6 ppm. According to de la Vega et al, 2020 , CO2 during the KM5c stage of the Mid-Pi...