
Showing posts from August, 2023

The Current State of British Politics.

In the context of the ongoing climate catastrophe and biodiversity crisis, the current state of British politics is no more than a trivial sideshow, but I propose to devote a little time to it now. We appear to be faced with the prospect of a Labour Government in the near-future, one with a landslide majority in the House of Commons, given the state of the opinion polls. The Conservatives are about as popular as the Black Death, and unlikely to improve their popularity by very much in the time between now and the General Election, which cannot be delayed beyond January 2025. The voters are in no mood to give the official Opposition much in the way of scrutiny, which is a pity, because if they did , they would find it somewhat disappointing, to say the least. Labour pledged to end university tuition fees; then changed its mind. It pledged to end the two-child benefit cap, then broke that promise, saying it would keep it. They told us they'd increase income tax for the top 5% of earn...

The Coming Malthusian Catastrophe.

It is a few years (not many) hence. Throughout the developing world, people are faced with dying or dead cattle, failed crops, dead fruit and nut trees, no fish in their rivers or lakes or coastal waters, and hardly any water for drinking, cleaning or sanitation, let alone irrigation. Such water as there is isn't safe to drink, being dirty, and heavily contaminated with pathogenic organisms. Such stores of food and water as there were have long since been exhausted, and there is no food or water aid to be expected from the developed countries, who are hoarding it all for their own populations, as harvests have been bad in the American Mid-West and Canadian Prairie Provinces, too, as well as in Russia and Ukraine, still not recovered from the prolonged war between them. People in the OECD countries are not happy to be faced with food and water rationing, but they accept its necessity. They don't think there is anything to spare for the unfortunates of the 'Third World'. ...