Why I Am NOT Voting Labour.
There are plenty of people arguing that we should vote at the next General Election to "Get the Tories Out", or "GTTO", to use the abbreviation popular on Twitter and other social media platforms, voting tactically, if necessary, to achieve that goal, on the assumption that a Labour Government is always preferable to a Tory one in all circumstances. That makes a large, and wholly unwarranted, assumption, which is that the Labour Party is distinguished from the Conservative one by the policies it would pursue if elected to power, and these policies would always be better for this country and its people than those being pursued by the Tories. That, I concede, used to be the case. It is the case no longer. The Labour Party, under Keir Starmer, has moved so far to the Right that it is now virtually indistinguishable from the Conservatives in terms of its policies, to the extent that, if elected, we will see a change of personnel in government, but no discernible change ...